Arcane Sentiment
about programming languages and other user interfaces.
Purely algebraic abstractions
Any abstraction expresses something all its instances share. Usually this is semantic: all instances have some common meaning. They represen...
Antedating “datatype” all the way to Plankalkül
Previously I speculated that the word “datatype” might have been used in computing before 1958. In response, dvt found a precedent from 19...
1 comment:
Don't abbreviate rare names
Some languages are too consistent about keeping their names short. Arc and Wart call their macro-defining operators mac instead of defmac...
It's a
When a theory fails to usefully describe reality, one bad response is to demand that reality stop disobeying it. Cosma Shalizi illustrates :...
Many happy returns
Some languages can return multiple values from a function, just as they can pass multiple arguments to a function. I used to think this was ...
A brief history of “type”
The word “type” has a variety of meanings in programming languages, which are often a focus of confusion and contention. Here's a histor...
Incorrect optimization in 1963
Floating-point users today are accustomed (or resigned, sometimes) to compilers that make invalid optimizations by assuming all arithmetic i...
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